SSH Authentication with a Feitian ePass NFC/FIDO/U2F Security Key Feitian ePass NFC FIDO U2F Security Key can work as a Generic Identity Device Specification (GIDS) smart card. There are also many other manufacturers and card models to which these instructions can be applied, but the specific tools to initialize the card can be different.
In this how-to, we will prepare a USB/NFC hardware key for SSH authentication and register the device in WebADM.
1. Description of Feitian c100/c200 Tokens OpenOTP supports Feitian c100 & c200 Token series. Feitian c100 are OATH-HOTP (event-based) and c200 are OATH-TOTP (time-based).
The Tokens are provided with a PSKC import file by Feitian. The file includes the Token secret key in an encrypted or cleartext format. If it is encrypted, the PSKC decryption key should have been provided to you by Feitian.
2. Register a Feitian token To register a Token with a PSKC file, edit a user account in WebADM and go to the MFA Authentication Server application action.