Documents in -Web Applications / User Self-Service

User Self-Registration

1. Overview User Self-Registration (SelfReg) application is a web application provided by RCDevs installed on the WebADM server. This application allows users to manage their OTP Token and U2F key enrollment. Users are also able to manage their OTP list and SSH key for SpanKey. The SelfReg application is similar to the User Self-Service Desk, the only difference between both applications is that the User Self-Registration can be accessed only with a WebADM Administrator request.

User Self-Service Desk

1. Overview This Web application is mostly designed for internal (corporate) use and includes several self-management features like: Manage account information such as email, mobile phone numbers, etc. Reset LDAP password according to a configurable password policy Enroll, re-synchronize and test a Software / Hardware Token or Yubikey Manage SSH keys (SpanKey) Manage PDF Signatures Manage own user certificates The installation of SelfDesk is straightforward and only consists of running the self-installer or installing it from the RCDevs repository and configure the application in WebADM.

Secure Password Reset

1. Overview This application allows users to set a new password on their LDAP account when they lost their current password or if it expired. It uses the OpenOTP second login factor (SMS, Token or Yubikey) to authenticate the password reset operation. Alternatively, TiQR (QRCode login) and PKI access with user certificate can be used as authentication back-ends. RCDevs Password Reset is compliant with any LDAP password including AD Domain passwords, UNIX passwords and even SAMBA accounts.