Documents in Virtual Appliance

OpenOTP Suite Virtual Appliance

RCDevs Virtual Appliance Startup Guide The RCDevs VMware Appliance is a standard and minimal Rocky Linux (64Bit) installation with the RCDevs software packages already installed with yum. The Appliance contains the following (already configured) components: WebADM Server (installed in /opt/webadm/). WebADM Web Services: OpenOTP, SMSHub, OpenSSO, SpanKey, TiQR (installed in /opt/webadm/websrvs/). WebADM WebApps: SelfDesk, SelfReg, PwReset, OpenID (installed in /opt/webadm/webapps/). OpenOTP Radius Bridge (installed in /opt/radiusd/). RCDevs Directory Server (OpenLDAP in /opt/slapd/).

WebADM Hardening

1. Overview Hardening is the process of securing a system by reducing its surface of vulnerability. We will show you how to reduce available ways of attack this includes enabling FIPS mode, changing the default password, encrypting configuration passwords, limiting SSL Protocols and Ciphersuites, replacing Certificates, setting a bootloader password, disable root access with SSH root, securing the MySQL/MariaDB Databases, setting Firewall rules and resetting RCDevs Virtual Appliance root password… Please consider carefully which of these settings are relevant for your use.

Network Time Protocol

Overview WebADM requires an accurate system clock and timezone. Your Linux server should be configured with NTP time synchronization. This guide will show how to install and configure the NTP server. Network Time Protocol traffic runs over port 123 UDP. At RCDevs Hardening Guide are firewall rules examples. The RCDevs Virtual Appliance uses chrony instead of ntp. Check Installed Packages CentOS 7, 8, Stream Please, verify if NTP or Chrony packages are already installed.