Certificate Authority based on Cryptographic Hardware Security Module
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1. Overview

This HowTo describes how to configure Rsignd service (PKI service) of WebADM on a PKCS11 cryptographic hardware security module (HSM). The objective is to involve the HSM for all CA signing operations and to increase the protection of the private key. This configuration is probably the most secure setup for a PKI service because the logical and physical access to the HSM is limited to one or few persons in a company.

If your WebADM servers has been compromised for any reason, the CA private key is not accessible through the WebADM servers. The private key of the certificate authority will be located on the HSM, which is protected by a passphrase/PIN configured during the HSM setup.

To compromise the private key of your certificate authority based on an HSM, the attacker needs:

  • root access on the WebADM server in order to get the passphrase/PIN which is also encrypted by WebADM mechanisms,
  • Decrypt the encrypted PIN/Passphrase,
  • Have physical access to the HSM,
  • Unlock it and steal the private key.

The PKCS11 HSMs are also protected against bruteforce attacks and the HSM is automatically locked after several unsuccessful attempts. Refer to your PKCS11 HSM documentation for more information.

This setup can be done during the WebADM installation or after when WebADM is already configured and running.

For high availability, consider to plug 2 HSMs on your master WebADM server. Rsignd service is currently running only on the first WebADM server deployed (master) but RCDevs is implementing a fully redundant PKI service, so in futur versions, you could plug only one HSM per WebADM server or for very critical PKI services, 2 HSMs per WebADM node part of the same cluster.

2. Certificate Authority setup

RCDevs provides different setups for the certificate authority.

  • WebADM can be configured as a standalone CA, which is the default configuration.
  • WebADM can be configured as a subordinate CA of an existing enterprise CA.

Refer to the previous documentation according to the setup you want to achieve.

WebADM setup script will guide you in your CA setup according to your choice.

If you want to reconfigure a WebADM installation previously configured as a standalone CA and you want to make it as subordinate CA of your existing CA, please refer to the secondary link.

If you choose new Standalone CA, then the CA certificate and key are generated during the WebADM setup and will be located in /opt/webadm/pki/ca/ folder.

If you choose subordinate CA setup, then the certificate needs to be already copied in /opt/webadm/pki/ca/. The CA key will be temporarily located on the file system until you programmed your HSM with the CA private key.

3. Program your HSM with your CA private key

In that documentation, we will not explain how to configure the HSM itself as we already provide documentations which cover these topics. Refer to MirKey/eHSM devices configuration or Smartcard HSM documentation. For any other HSM, please contact RCDevs Service team. All standard PKCS11 HSMs are supported by WebADM.

4. WebADM configuration to use CA private key from the HSM

Now that you CA private key is located on your HSM(s), you have to configure WebADM to use your HSM(s).

There is 2 configuration files to do it, the fist is /opt/webadm/conf/webadm.conf and the second is /opt/webadm/conf/rsignd.conf. Found below, the configuration needed for each file.

4.1 webadm.conf

# Hardware Cryptography Module
# Yubico YubiHSM and SCHSM are currently supported for hardware encryption.
# Up to 8 HSM modules can be concurrently attached to the server.

hsm_model SCHSM
hsm_keyid 1
hsm_pincode XXXXXX

## If you have 2 HSMs, then : 

hsm_model SCHSM
hsm_keyid 2
hsm_pincode XXXXXX

The PIN code value can be encrypted in order to not be stored in clear text in webadm.conf file. Please, refer pwcrypt usage

4.2 rsignd.conf

Found below the mandatory settings :

# HSM certificate authority (CA)
# The HSM model and PIN code are configured in webadm.conf.
hsm_ca yes
hsm_keyid 0

Optionally, if the CA certificate/key in PEM format are protected by a password, you have to enable that ca_password setting and the password will be asked when WebADM services are starting. hsm_keyid value must refer the slot id of the HSM where you deployed the CA private key.

# Set to yes if the CA or RSignd private keys requires a decryption password.
# PEM passwords will be prompted at WebADM startup.
ca_password yes
rsignd_password no