OpenOTP Cloud Bridges VM
1. Overview
This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to configure the OpenOTP Cloud Bridge Virtual Appliance. The appliance is a pre-installed Rocky Linux 9.1 with the necessary RCDevs software packages. It includes the following components:
- Radius Bridge (installed in /opt/radiusd/).
- LDAP Bridge (installed in /opt/ldproxy).
RCDevs strongly recommends using the Virtual Appliance or deploying LDAP and Radius Bridges on a dedicated server within your infrastructure. This ensures the secure communication of these protocols without transporting them over the internet.
To deploy and configure that virtual appliance, you must have your OpenOTP Cloud Tenant created or your dedicated hosted infrastructure deployed. For that documentation my tenant URL is
2. Setups
2.1 General information
To download the Appliance, please visit the RCDevs Website and download the ZIP archive. The Appliance is available in both VMX and OVF formats, compatible with VMware ESX, ESXi, Workstation, and Oracle VirtualBox. After downloading, unzip the archive and follow these steps:
- In your VMware environment, select “Import Appliance”.
- Choose the VMX or OVF file from the extracted files.
Avoid copying and running the appliance directly without importing it. Running the appliance directly may result in a read-only filesystem error during the boot process.
If necessary, you can adjust the CPU and memory settings of the Appliance. By default, it is configured with 1 virtual CPU and 2GB of memory.
If you decide to use the VMX import format (instead of the preferred OVF format), you’ll need to set up the VM system manually and use the VMX file as the SCSI storage file. The following configuration information may be helpful:
- Keep the boot console open during the boot process to monitor any startup errors.
- The Appliance is set to obtain its IP address via DHCP.
During the first boot, this script runs only once and does not require a login password. You can access the console or use SSH to perform the initial setup. If needed, you can restart the appliance setup script using the vm_init command.
The OpenOTP Cloud bridge VM setup script ask and perform the following:
- Set the root password to access the virtual machine later.
- Configure your time zone.
- Configure the network interface.
- Setup Radius Bridge (radiusd) component with your OpenOTP cloud infrastructure. (optional)
- Setup LDAP Bridge (ldproxy) component with your OpenOTP cloud infrastructure. (optional)
Point 4 and 5 are optional but if you are configuring that appliance it is to configure at least one of these services.
During this setup, you will need to access your WebADM Admin Portal in order to approve the certificate requests of Radius and LDAP Bridge products.
First step when you start the Virtual Appliance is to reset the root password and test that you can access the VM with the new password configured.
Welcome to RCDevs VMWare Appliance package webadm is not installed!
Please enter a new root password for console and ssh login: xxxxxxx
Please enter it again: xxxxxxx
Updating password
Please try a ssh login in an other session, does it work? (y/[n]): y
Try to log in through SSH with root account and your freshly configured password.
Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
Please select a continent or ocean.
1) Africa
2) Americas
3) Antarctica
4) Arctic Ocean
5) Asia
6) Atlantic Ocean
7) Australia
8) Europe
9) Indian Ocean
10) Pacific Ocean
11) none - I want to specify the time zone using the Posix TZ format.
#? 8
We choose the time zone, for example, Luxembourg in Europe.
Please select a country.
1) Albania 18) Guernsey 35) Poland
2) Andorra 19) Hungary 36) Portugal
3) Austria 20) Ireland 37) Romania
4) Belarus 21) Isle of Man 38) Russia
5) Belgium 22) Italy 39) San Marino
6) Bosnia & Herzegovina 23) Jersey 40) Serbia
7) Britain (UK) 24) Latvia 41) Slovakia
8) Bulgaria 25) Liechtenstein 42) Slovenia
9) Croatia 26) Lithuania 43) Spain
10) Czech Republic 27) Luxembourg 44) Sweden
11) Denmark 28) Macedonia 45) Switzerland
12) Estonia 29) Malta 46) Turkey
13) Finland 30) Moldova 47) Ukraine
14) France 31) Monaco 48) Vatican City
15) Germany 32) Montenegro 49) Ă…land Islands
16) Gibraltar 33) Netherlands
17) Greece 34) Norway
#? 27
The following information has been given:
Therefore TZ='Europe/Luxembourg' will be used.
Local time is now: Tue May 16 16:06:47 CEST 2023.
Universal Time is now: Tue May 16 14:06:47 UTC 2023.
All following options are set with the default value in square brackets. You can keep it by pressing enter.
This VM is running with dynamic IP assignment (DHCP)
The current IP address is
Do you want to configure a static IP ([y]/n)?
Please type the fixed IP address []:
Please type the network mask []:
Please type the gateway address []:
Please type your primary DNS server IP []:
Please type your secondary DNS server IP []:
Fixed IP address:
Network address:
Network mask:
Gateway IP address:
Primary DNS server:
Do you confirm ([y]/n):
Restarting network...
Please enter the hostname [bridge.rcdevs.local]:
The global VM configuration is done and next step is the Radius Bridge product configuration.
2.2 Radius Bridge
2.2.1 Configuration script
The setup continues as follows, where I have to provide the FQDN of my server for SSL certificate generation and my WebADM/OpenOTP tenant URL:
Do you want to configure radiusd? ([y]/n)? y
Checking system architecture...Ok
Enter the server fully qualified host name (FQDN):
If WebADM is running on this server then press Enter.
Else enter one of your running WebADM server IP or hostname.
Note: You can use host:port if WebADM uses a custom HTTPS port.
Enter WebADM server IP or hostname:
At this step, you need to go to the WebADM interface and accept the SSL certificate request.
Found one server URL:
Retrieving WebADM CA certificate... Ok
Retrieving WebADM CA trusted bundle... Ok
The setup needs now to request a signed SSL server certificate.
This request should show up as pending in your WebADM interface and an administrator must accept it!
Waiting 5 minutes for approbation...
Once accepted, you will have the following output:
Waiting 5 minutes for approbation... Ok
Updating configuration file... Ok
Setting file permissions... Ok
Do you want OpenOTP RADIUS Bridge to be automatically started at boot (y/n)? y
Adding systemd service... Ok
Do you want to register OpenOTP RADIUS Bridge logrotate script (y/n)? y
Adding logrotate script... Ok
OpenOTP RADIUS Bridge has successfully been setup.
The Radius Bridge setup is finished and the setup script continue with the LDAP Bridge configuration which is optional. For full configuration of Radius Bridge component, please refer to the Radius Bridge documentation.
2.2.2 RADIUS Clients declaration
Please refer to the following documentation section to declare a Radius client in your radius bridge configuration. By default, all Radius clients are allowed with the shared secret ’testing123'.
2.2.3 Advanced configuration
For full configuration and understanding of LDAP Bridge component, please refer to the RADIUS Bridge documentation.
2.3 LDAP Bridge
2.3.1 Overview
LDAP Bridge allows authentication to be delegated to an OpenOTP server transparently, without changing the LDAP back-end. From the client applications perspective, the main change is that it will use the LDAP Bridge as an LDAP server, instead of the backend-end LDAP server. LDAP Bridge works by relaying LDAP messages to a back-end LDAP server. It intercepts user bind (LDAP authentication) operations and makes an OpenOTP call to authenticate the request with OpenOTP. It then sets the result of the bind request to the authentication result of the OpenOTP call.
LDAP Bridge works with Users’ Distinguished Name (DN) attribute to authenticate users’ credentials with the LDAP backend and with OpenOTP. That is why, the DN structure must be the same on your LDAP architecture and on OpenOTP Cloud.
E.g: If the DN of my user is cn=my_user,ou=users,dc=domain,dc=com
in my Active Directory, then in OpenOTP cloud, the DN of my account must be cn=my_user,ou=users
where users
is an Organizational Unit containing the object my_user
. Do not consider the LDAP treebase (dc=domain,dc=com) on OpenOTP Cloud as you can not configure it by your own.
In that example, the IP of my domain controller is
2.3.2 Configuration script
Now, we are going to configure LDProxy:
Do you want to configure ldproxy ([y]/n):y
Checking the system architecture...Ok
Enter the LDAP server IP or hostname [localhost]:
Enter the LDAP server port [389]: 389
Enter the LDAP protocol (ldap/ldaps) [ldap]: ldap
Enter a bindable LDAP account from the back-end with no specific permission: cn=read_only_account,cn=users,dc=support,dc=rcdevs,dc=com
Enter the LDAP account password: xxxxxxx
Enter the WebADM server IP or hostname [localhost]:
Found one server URL:
Retrieving the WebADM CA certificate... Ok
The setup needs now to request a signed SSL server certificate.
This request should show up as pending in your WebADM interface and an administrator must accept it!
Waiting 5 minutes for approbation...
Approve the SSL certificate request from your WebADM Admin GUI, then you are prompted for the following:
Waiting 5 minutes for approbation... Ok
Updating the OpenOTP configuration file... Ok
Do you want OpenOTP LDAP Bridge to be automatically started at boot (y/n)[y]? y
Adding the systemd service... Ok
Do you want to register OpenOTP LDAP Bridge logrotate script (y/n)[y]? y
Adding the logrotate script... Ok
OpenOTP LDAP Bridge has successfully been set up.
Starting the OpenOTP LDAP Bridge... Ok
You can connect your server via SSH with 'ssh root@'.
You can login RCDevs WebADM Admin Portal at ''.
Press any key to finish!
LDProxy is now configured. You can configure your client application(s) using LDAP protocol targeting LDProxy service (port 10389 or 10636) instead of your LDAP backend.
2.3.2 Advanced configuration
For full configuration and understanding of LDAP Bridge component, please refer to the LDProxy documentation.