
This documentation demonstrates ports and protocols used by RCDevs products between different components.

Communication Ports used by RCDevs Products


WebADM Cluster Ports


Incoming and Outgoing Traffic per Product

Product Incoming Outgoing
WebADM primary node &
Web Services
Session Server TCP 4000,
SOAP TCP 8443,
HTTPS 443,
HTTP 80,
PKI TCP 5000
Session Server TCP 4000 to WebADM secondary nodes,
LDAPS 389 or 636,
SQL 3306,
before v2: Licenses service TCP 7001 to license.rcdevs.com,
before v2: Push service TCP 7000 to push.rcdevs.com,
from v2: Cloud services TCP 443 to cloud.rcdevs.com,
SMTP port to your mail server,
TCP 5000 to WebADM secondary nodes
WebADM secondary nodes &
Web Services
Session Server TCP 4000
SOAP TCP 8443,
HTTPS 443 ,
HTTP 80,
PKI TCP 5000
Session Server TCP 4000 to WebADM Primary node,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM primary node,
LDAPS 389 or 636,
SQL 3306,
PKI TCP 5000 to WebADM primary node,
before v2: Licenses service TCP 7001 to license.rcdevs.com,
before v2: Push service TCP 7000 to push.rcdevs.com,
from v2: Cloud services TCP 443 to cloud.rcdevs.com,
SMTP port to your mail server,
TCP 5000 to WebADM primary node
Radius Bridge UDP 1812 TCP 8443 to WebADM(s),
HTTPS 443 to WebADM primary node,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM secondary nodes
LDAP Bridge LDAPS 389 or 636 TCP 8443 to WebADM(s)
389 or 636 to LDAP server(s),
HTTPS 443 to WebADM primary node,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM secondary nodes
WAProxy HTTPS 443,
HTTPS 8443 (only if
publish_websrvs is enabled),
HTTPS 443 to WebADM,
SOAP TCP 8443 to WebADM web services (only if
publish_websrvs is enabled),
HTTP 80 to all WebADM nodes
SpanKey Client SSH TCP 22 SOAP TCP 8443 to SpanKey Web Service,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM primary node,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM secondary nodes
Windows Plugins X SOAP TCP 8443 to OpenOTP Web service,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM primary node,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM secondary nodes
PAM OpenOTP plugin X SOAP TCP 8443 to OpenOTP Web service,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM primary node,
HTTPS 443 to WebADM secondary nodes
SQL Replication TCP 3306 TCP 3306
OpenLDAP Replication LDAPS 389 or 636 LDAPS 389 or 636
Web Applications TCP 443 HTTPS 443 to https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3 URL
if Prevent Known Passwords setting is activated on Secure Password Reset. Other web applications do not have external communications.

Change default WebADM listening Ports

The proper way to change a WebADM listening port is by creating the /opt/webadm/conf/webadm.env file. In that file, you can configure the following settings:

# Interface used

# Apache standard port 

# Apache SSL port

# Web Service standard port

# Web Service SSL port

To take into account these changes, you have to restart WebADM services.