Utilities and Tools

This category references command-line tools and usage provided by RCDevs.

Converting PSKC Files to WebADM Inventory Files

Overview In this guide, we will show you how to convert token seed files (PSKC files) into a WebADM inventory file. This process enables you to utilize third-party hardware tokens with RCDevs security solutions. Additionally, we will explain how to reuse software tokens already registered on end-users' devices with

OpenOTP Tools

Introduction This HowTo guide demonstrates several useful scripts available for OpenOTP and explains how to use them. Utilities and Scripts location Some scripts are available in: [root@webadm]# cd /opt/webadm/websrvs/openotp/bin [root@webadm bin]# ll total 112 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 18680 Aug 5 18:58 authtest

WebADM Tools

Introduction In this guide, we will demonstrate several useful scripts for WebADM and provide instructions on how to use them effectively. WebADM Utilities location Some scripts are available at: [root@webadm1]# cd /opt/webadm/bin/ [root@webadm1 bin]# ll total 152 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1809 11 oct. 15:35

MIRkey / eHSM devices implementation

Overview This guide will walk you through setting up one or, preferably, several eHSM/MIRkey devices for hardware cryptography within WebADM. This setup adds an extra layer of security to protect sensitive data in WebADM. Note that MIRKey HSMs require at least WebADM version 2.0.17. Download and install

Smartcard HSM

Overview This guide will walk you through setting up one or preferably several SmartCard-HSMs for hardware cryptography within WebADM, adding an extra layer of security to protect sensitive information. All steps for initializing, configuring, and replicating the devices can be performed directly using standard command-line tools on the server where

WebADM Publishing Proxy (WAProxy)

Product Overview WAProxy is an HTTP(S) reverse proxy designed for WebADM. Although any reverse proxy could perform this role, WAProxy is specifically configured by RCDevs to work securely and utilize all the features WebADM offers for reverse proxies. It handles basic load balancing, failover, and both server and client

RCDevs Software update

Introduction This documentation provides instructions for updating the RCDevs server software and appliances. Regular updates are crucial for ensuring optimal performance, security, and access to the latest features. In this guide, you will find detailed instructions on how to check for updates, prepare your server for the upgrade, and execute

WebADM Hardening

Overview Hardening is the process of securing a system by reducing its surface of vulnerability. We will show you how to reduce available ways of attack this includes enabling FIPS mode, changing the default password, encrypting configuration passwords, limiting SSL Protocols and Ciphersuites, replacing Certificates, setting a bootloader password, disable

Yubikeys with WebADM Framework

Overview In this documentation, we will guide you through the process of reprogramming your YubiKey using the YubiKey Personalization Tool, generating an inventory file with the Yubico tool to import the YubiKey into the WebADM inventory, and assigning and using your YubiKey with OpenOTP. For this process, you will need
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