Application Programming Interface

The RCDevs API enables integration of RCDevs solutions with third-party applications. It provides secure endpoints for user authentication, access control, token management, and more. Built with developer needs in mind, the API supports HTTPS secure communication. Comprehensive documentation and examples ensure ease of use, allowing you to extend RCDevs functionalities efficiently within your systems

Manager APIs

Overview The Manager interface provides access to WebADM user management functions and operations exported by your registered applications. It also allows external systems, such as web portals, to remotely trigger user management operations from the network. The user management functions offer LDAP operations such as object creation, updates, removal, and

WebADM - Get_User_IDs

This method returns the list of user login name values (array) as defined in /opt/webadm/conf/webadm.conf under the uid_attrs setting. By default: uid_attrs "uid", "samAccountName", "userPrincipalName" The mandatory parameter is the DistinguishedName value of the user. Python PHP PowerShell

WebADM - Get_User_Domains

This methods returns an array of WebADM domains the user is part of. The mandatory parameter is the DistinguishedName value of the user. Python PHP PowerShell import requests import json # Define the method and parameters method = 'Get_User_Domains' params = { 'dn': 'cn=john doe,cn=

WebADM - Get_User_DN

This method returns a user's LDAP DN (string) based on their username (UID) and WebADM domain name. The mandatory parameters are the user's username and their WebADM domain membership. The usable attributes for the username value are configured in /opt/webadm/conf/webadm.conf using the

WebADM - Get_User_Groups

This method returns an array of LDAP groups that the user belongs to. The required parameters are the user's Distinguished Name (DN) and their WebADM domain. Python PHP PowerShell import requests import json # Define the method and parameters method = 'Get_User_Groups' params = { 'dn'

WebADM - Search_LDAP_Objects

This method allows you to search for an LDAP object, functioning similarly to an LDAP search operation. The mandatory setting is the basedn, which corresponds to the DN (Distinguished Name) treebase from where the search will begin in the LDAP directory. By setting the filter, you can apply an LDAP

WebADM - Create_LDAP_Object

This method is used to create a new LDAP object in the directory. The required attributes in the attrs array depend on the type of object you are creating (e.g., user, group, etc.). Ensure you provide all necessary attributes for the specific object class. This method requires two parameters:

WebADM - Check_LDAP_Object

The Check_LDAP_Object method is used to check whether an LDAP object with a specified Distinguished Name (DN) exists in the LDAP directory. Required Parameters: dn (String): The Distinguished Name (DN) of the object you want to check for existence in the LDAP directory. Returns a Boolean: true if

WebADM - Remove_LDAP_Object

The Remove_LDAP_Object method is used to delete an existing LDAP object. It requires the full DN of the object to be specified. If the operation is successful, the method returns true. If there is an error during the removal, it returns false. You can use this method to

WebADM - Rename_LDAP_Object

The Rename_LDAP_Object method is used to rename an existing LDAP object. It requires the DN of the object to be renamed, as well as the new name to assign to it. The method returns true on success and false if the operation fails, such as if the object

WebADM - Move_LDAP_Object

The Move_LDAP_Object method is used to move an LDAP object from one container to another within the LDAP directory structure. It requires the DN of the object being moved and the DN of the destination container. The method returns true on success and false on error. Errors may
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