
This HowTo guide demonstrates several useful scripts available for OpenOTP and explains how to use them.

Utilities and Scripts location

Some scripts are available in:

[root@webadm]# cd /opt/webadm/websrvs/openotp/bin
[root@webadm bin]# ll
total 112
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 18680 Aug  5 18:58 authtest
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 13112 Aug  5 18:58 pskc2inv
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 39672 Aug  5 18:58 report
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  9064 Aug  5 18:58 safenet2inv
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  3752 Aug  5 18:58 status
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 11976 Aug  5 18:58 yubi2inv


This script enables you to perform a test login directly through the console:

[root@webadm1 bin]# ./authtest
Enter username: john.doe
Enter domain:
Enter LDAP password: MyPassword
Enter OTP password: 945796
Authentication success! 
[root@webadm1 bin]# 


This script converts a PSKC token seed file into an inventory file supported by WebADM.

Here is a PSKC file for an RC200 hardware token (sensitive information is obfuscated):

[root@webadm bin]# cat inv.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
OATH PSKC Import File for RCDevs WebADM
Generated on October 11, 2018, 11:29 am

<KeyContainer Version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:keyprov:pskc" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:xenc="">
      <Model>RCDevs RC200-T6</Model>
   <Key Algorithm="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:keyprov:pskc:totp" Id="230852XXXXXXX">
         <ResponseFormat Length="6" Encoding="DECIMAL"/>
[root@webadm bin]# ./pskc2inv
WebADM Inventory converter for OATH PSKC files
Usage: pskc2inv <pskc-file> <inventory-file> [<decryption-key>]
[root@webadm bin]# ./pskc2inv inv.xml webadminventory.csv
Successfully converted 1 PSKC tokens.
[root@webadm bin]# 
[root@webadm bin]# cat webadminventory.csv

# OpenOTP Inventory export for OATH PSKC
# Generated by OpenOTP on October 11, 2018 11:32 am

"Type", "Reference", "Description", "Data"
"OTP Token", "230852XXXXXXX", "RCDevs RC200-T6", "TokenType=VE9UUA==,TokenKey=tdxn5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXjUxaZXc=,OTPLength=Ng==,TOTPTimeStep=MzA="

This inventory file can be imported through the WebADM GUI and used for OpenOTP authentications. With this script, you can convert any standard OATH token seed file from any provider to the WebADM format and use it with OpenOTP.


This script generates a report of activated users. The options are described below:

[root@rcvm8 bin]# ./report 
Usage: report [-y] [-r] [-t] [-d] [-s <user settings>] [-f <search filter>] DOMAIN1 [DOMAIN2] ... [DOMAINX]
Domain 1..X is a list of WebADM Domains where OpenOTP user activity will be reported.
  -y : Do not prompt for validation (to be used with cron jobs).
  -r : Reset statistic data.
  -t : Include OTP Token information (type, serial and model).
  -d : Include U2F Device information (version).
  -b : Include user blocking information.
  -e : Include AD password expiry information.
  -s <user settings> : Display user settings (ex: "LoginMode,OTPType")
  -f <search filter> : Use a custom LDAP search filter.
If no search filter is defined, all user objects with the webadmAccount
extension will be included in the report.

We need the domain that contains the users, which can be found under Admin > User Domains.

In this case, we use Default domain name, with the user search base pointing to o=root.

[root@rcvm8 bin]# ./report -t Default
Are you sure you want to run report (y/n)? y
# OpenOTP user activity report.
# Generated on March 9, 2020 11:20 am

Domain, UserDN, LastLogin, LoginCount, RejectCount, TokenType, TokenSerial, TokenModel, TokenExpire, Token2Type, Token2Serial, Token2Model, Token2Expire, Token3Type, Token3Serial, Token3Model, Token3Expire
"Default", "cn=admin,o=Root", "2020-03-04 10:19:07", "1", "1", "TOTP", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=test_emerg,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "TOTP", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=centos6_ccc2b503,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=centos7_8bd783f6,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=centos8_830bc1cb,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=fedora29_ef05d856,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=fedora30_04f5ff9d,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=fedora31_e2df0dea,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=ubuntu16_4168b59b,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=ubuntu18_19b7048c,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=ubuntu19_929b83ad,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=debian8_8ae5004d,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=debian9_01aebedd,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=debian10_27e1a6b5,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"
"Default", "cn=pureos9_3b2baae3,o=Root", "Never", "0", "0", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never", "None", "None", "None", "Never"

# Generated OpenOTP report for 15 LDAP users in 0 seconds.


This script converts SafeNet token seeds into a WebADM format, allowing SafeNet tokens to be used with OpenOTP.

[root@webadm bin]# ./safenet2inv 
WebADM Inventory converter for SafeNet files
Usage: safenet2inv <safenet-file> <inventory-file> <token-type>
Token type can be TOTP or HOTP


This script checks the OpenOTP server status and connector status.

[root@webadm bin]# ./status 
Server Status: 1
Server: MFA Authentication Server 1.4.1-2 (WebADM 1.6.8)
System: Linux 3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64 x86_64 (64 bit)
Listener: (HTTP/1.1 SSL)
Uptime: 35 (0 days)
Memory: 550.84K
Total Requests: 0
Active Requests: 0
Connectors: OK (4 alive & 0 down)


This script converts a Yubico CSV file into a CSV inventory that can be imported into WebADM.

[root@webadm bin]# ./yubi2inv
WebADM Inventory converter for Yubico CSV files
Usage: ./yubi2inv <yubikey-file>

A Yubico CSV file contains the following type of content:

[root@webadm bin]# cat /yubico.csv

Executing yubi2inv will generate the following CSV inventory file:

[root@webadm bin]# ./yubi2inv /yubico.csv
# OpenOTP Inventory export for Yubikey
# Generated by OpenOTP on October 21, 2020 3:00 pm

"Type", "Reference", "Description", "Data"
"OTP Token", "0", "Yubikey #8910111", "TokenType=WVVCSUtFWQ==,TokenID=,TokenKey=0n9BxBi5tkGrcFkoNakqVSqNeiH3+Q==,TokenState=MA=="
"OTP Token", "219249058775603", "Yubikey #1234567", "TokenType=WVVCSUtFWQ==,TokenID=x2fmRAIz,TokenKey=BNJ1xBi5tkGrcFkoNakqVQ==,TokenState=MA=="